diff options
-rw-r--r--src/impl/abs.c (renamed from src/abs.c)0
-rw-r--r--src/impl/app_left.c (renamed from src/app.c)4
14 files changed, 773 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/experiments.md b/experiments.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6c64c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/experiments.md
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+# BLC Experiments
+Small experiment to find the smallest binary encoding of lambda terms. I
+use an empirical approach with the terms located in `samples/`. The
+source also serves as a reference C implementation of BLC encodings.
+Of course, encodings that allow sharing of duplicate terms (e.g. in a
+binary encoded DAG) can be even smaller. I’ve done that in the
+[BLoC](https://github.com/marvinborner/BLoC) encoding and I will apply
+the insights from this experiments there as well.
+NOTE: Most of the test files don’t ever use larger indices than 9, so
+don’t try to generalize the results below. BLC2, for example, only makes
+sense when using many large indices.
+## TL;DR
+Optimizations for application chains don’t seem worth it. Optimizations
+for abstraction chains give 3-5% space improvement for most larger
+terms. Tricks to omit bits in closed terms always give smaller or
+equivalent encodings.
+ --- test/small ---
+ blc: avg. 0.000000% reduction
+ blc2: avg. -0.162328% reduction
+ closed: avg. 32.382648% reduction
+ abs: avg. -13.120658% reduction
+ app_left: avg. -5.775075% reduction
+ app_right: avg. 2.095019% reduction
+ app_both: avg. 2.696779% reduction
+ abs_app_left: avg. -18.895734% reduction
+ --- test/medium ---
+ blc: avg. 0.000000% reduction
+ blc2: avg. -4.829910% reduction
+ closed: avg. 0.160938% reduction
+ abs: avg. 4.089551% reduction
+ app_left: avg. -0.507696% reduction
+ app_right: avg. -6.291403% reduction
+ app_both: avg. -5.881188% reduction
+ abs_app_left: avg. 3.581855% reduction
+ --- test/large ---
+ blc: avg. 0.000000% reduction
+ blc2: avg. -4.473726% reduction
+ closed: avg. 0.009495% reduction
+ abs: avg. 3.859261% reduction
+ app_left: avg. -2.043374% reduction
+ app_right: avg. -4.231048% reduction
+ app_both: avg. -3.729422% reduction
+ abs_app_left: avg. 1.815887% reduction
+## Traditional BLC
+f(\lambda m) &= 00\ f(M)\\
+f(M N) &= 01\ f(M)\ f(N)\\
+f(i) &= 1^i\ 0
+**Problem**: de Bruijn indices are encoded in *unary* ($O(n)$).
+### Statistics
+ test/medium/fib_rec42.blc: 14167
+ test/medium/euler001.blc: 68690
+ test/medium/harmonic_series42.blc: 38338
+ test/medium/jottary.blc 4364
+ test/medium/mutual_recusion.blc 9700
+ test/medium/fac42.blc: 8681
+### Resources:
+- [Binary Lambda
+ Calculus](https://tromp.github.io/cl/Binary_lambda_calculus.html)
+ (John Tromp)
+## Levenshtein Indices (`BLC2`)
+f(\lambda M) &= 00\ f(M)\\
+f(M N) &= 01\ f(M)\ f(N)\\
+f(i) &= \mathrm{code}(i)
+### Statistics
+ test/medium/fib_rec42.blc: 14167 -> 14868 (-4.948119% reduction)
+ test/medium/euler001.blc: 68690 -> 72011 (-4.834765% reduction)
+ test/medium/harmonic_series42.blc: 38338 -> 40278 (-5.060254% reduction)
+ test/medium/jottary.blc 4364 -> 4538 (-3.987168% reduction)
+ test/medium/mutual_recusion.blc 9700 -> 10186 (-5.010309% reduction)
+ test/medium/fac42.blc: 8681 -> 9121 (-5.068540% reduction)
+### Resources
+- [Levenshtein Coding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_coding)
+ (Wikipedia)
+## Mateusz (`closed`)
+Mateusz Naściszewski’s encoding is a slight variation of the normal
+encoding. The insight is, that by ignoring open terms, you can skip
+writing a bit in several cases:
+- for abstractions/applications in de Bruijn level 0
+- in indices pointing to the outermost abstraction (we can end parsing
+ at the $n$th `1`, otherwise the term would be open!)
+The encoding is guaranteed to have less or equal bit than normal BLC
+(again, this only works for closed terms).
+f(t) &= g(0, t)\\
+g(0, i) &= \text{error: open}\\
+g(1, 0) &= 1\\
+g(n, 0) &= 10\\
+g(n, i) &= 1\ g(n-1, i-1)\\
+g(0, \lambda M) &= 0\ g(1, M)\\
+g(n, \lambda M) &= 00\ g(n+1, M)\\
+g(0, M\ N) &= 1\ g(1, M)\\
+g(n, M\ N) &= 01\ g(n, M)\ g(n, N)
+(it looks more complicated than it is)
+### Statistics
+ test/medium/fib_rec42.blc: 14167 -> 14157 (0.070587% reduction)
+ test/medium/euler001.blc: 68690 -> 68685 (0.007279% reduction)
+ test/medium/harmonic_series42.blc: 38338 -> 38292 (0.119985% reduction)
+ test/medium/jottary.blc 4364 -> 4349 (0.343721% reduction)
+ test/medium/mutual_recusion.blc 9700 -> 9680 (0.206186% reduction)
+ test/medium/fac42.blc: 8681 -> 8671 (0.115194% reduction)
+### Resources
+- [Implementation](https://github.com/tromp/AIT/commit/f8c7d191519bc8df4380d49934f2c9b9bdfeef19)
+ (John Tromp)
+## Merged Left-Apps (`app_left`)
+Here I “merge” multiple left applications with a single prefix. This
+uses one bit more for binary applications. However, practical lambda
+terms often use many consecutive left applications!
+f(\lambda M) &= 01\ f(M)\\
+f(M_1\dots M_n) &= 0^n\ 1\ f(M_1)\dots f(M_n)\\
+f(i) &= 1^i 0
+### Statistics
+ test/medium/fib_rec42.blc: 14167 -> 14215 (-0.338816% reduction)
+ test/medium/euler001.blc: 68690 -> 68919 (-0.333382% reduction)
+ test/medium/harmonic_series42.blc: 38338 -> 38450 (-0.292138% reduction)
+ test/medium/jottary.blc 4364 -> 4459 (-2.176902% reduction)
+ test/medium/mutual_recusion.blc 9700 -> 9738 (-0.391753% reduction)
+ test/medium/fac42.blc: 8681 -> 8699 (-0.207349% reduction)
+## Merged Right-Apps (`app_right`)
+Same as previous, but for right associative application. Useful for
+Church encodings.
+f(\lambda M) &= 01\ f(M)\\
+f(M_1(\dots M_n)) &= 0^n\ 1\ f(M_1)\dots f(M_n)\\
+f(i) &= 1^i 0
+### Statistics
+ test/medium/fib_rec42.blc: 14167 -> 15029 (-6.084563% reduction)
+ test/medium/euler001.blc: 68690 -> 73035 (-6.325520% reduction)
+ test/medium/harmonic_series42.blc: 38338 -> 40606 (-5.915802% reduction)
+ test/medium/jottary.blc 4364 -> 4719 (-8.134739% reduction)
+ test/medium/mutual_recusion.blc 9700 -> 10314 (-6.329897% reduction)
+ test/medium/fac42.blc: 8681 -> 9207 (-6.059210% reduction)
+## Merged Bidirectional Apps (`app_both`)
+One extra bit to indicate whether to use `app_left` or `app_right`:
+f(\lambda M) &= 01\ f(M)\\
+f(M_1\dots M_n) &= 0^n\ 10\ f(M_1)\dots f(M_n)\\
+f(M_1(\dots M_n)) &= 0^n\ 11\ f(M_1)\dots f(M_n)\\
+f(i) &= 1^i 0
+### Statistics
+ test/medium/fib_rec42.blc: 14167 -> 14962 (-5.611633% reduction)
+ test/medium/euler001.blc: 68690 -> 72681 (-5.810162% reduction)
+ test/medium/harmonic_series42.blc: 38338 -> 40381 (-5.328916% reduction)
+ test/medium/jottary.blc 4364 -> 4760 (-9.074244% reduction)
+ test/medium/mutual_recusion.blc 9700 -> 10260 (-5.773196% reduction)
+ test/medium/fac42.blc: 8681 -> 9150 (-5.402603% reduction)
+## Merged Multi-Abs
+Here I “merge” multiple abstractions with a single prefix. (`abs`)
+f(\lambda_1\dots \lambda_n M) &= 0^{n+1}\ 1\ f(M)\\
+f(M\ N) &= 01\ f(M)\ f(N)\\
+f(i) &= 1^i 0
+Slightly better, I can combine this with the previous trick for
+applications! (`abs_app_left`)
+f(\lambda_1\dots \lambda_n M) &= 0^n\ 10\ f(M)\\
+f(M_1\ M_n) &= 0^{n-1}\ 11\ f(M_1)\dots f(M_n)\\
+f(i) &= 1^i 0
+Theoretically, you could also merge them in a single step. The *trick*
+would be to see applications as zeroth abstractions. Any immediate
+applications inside abstractions would be handled directly by the
+abstraction constructor.
+However, unabstracted applications would get quite large so this
+optimization doesn’t seem worth it.
+f(\lambda_1\dots \lambda_n (M_1\dots M_m)) &= 0^{n+1}\ 1\ 0^{m+1}\ 1\ f(M_1)\dots f(M_n)\\
+f(i) &= 1^i 0
+### Statistics
+ test/medium/fib_rec42.blc: 14167 -> 13519 (4.574010% reduction)
+ test/medium/euler001.blc: 68690 -> 65627 (4.459164% reduction)
+ test/medium/harmonic_series42.blc: 38338 -> 36557 (4.645521% reduction)
+ test/medium/jottary.blc 4364 -> 4295 (1.581118% reduction)
+ test/medium/mutual_recusion.blc 9700 -> 9285 (4.278351% reduction)
+ test/medium/fac42.blc: 8681 -> 8278 (4.642322% reduction)
+ test/medium/fib_rec42.blc: 14167 -> 13567 (4.235194% reduction)
+ test/medium/euler001.blc: 68690 -> 65856 (4.125783% reduction)
+ test/medium/harmonic_series42.blc: 38338 -> 36669 (4.353383% reduction)
+ test/medium/jottary.blc 4364 -> 4390 (-0.595784% reduction)
+ test/medium/mutual_recusion.blc 9700 -> 9323 (3.886598% reduction)
+ test/medium/fac42.blc: 8681 -> 8296 (4.434973% reduction)
diff --git a/inc/impl.h b/inc/impl.h
index 115468b..20d6725 100644
--- a/inc/impl.h
+++ b/inc/impl.h
@@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ typedef struct {
Impl impl_blc(void);
Impl impl_blc2(void);
Impl impl_closed(void);
-Impl impl_app(void);
+Impl impl_app_left(void);
+Impl impl_app_right(void);
+Impl impl_app_both(void);
Impl impl_abs(void);
+Impl impl_abs_app_left(void);
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index e755b25..0f3759b 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -4,17 +4,20 @@
CC = gcc
TG = ctags
+# e.g. make full DEBUG=1
BUILD = ${CURDIR}/build
SRC = ${CURDIR}/src
INC = ${CURDIR}/inc
SRCS = $(wildcard $(SRC)/*.c) $(wildcard $(SRC)/impl/*.c)
OBJS = $(patsubst $(SRC)/%.c, $(BUILD)/%.o, $(SRCS))
-CFLAGS_DEBUG = -fsanitize=address,leak,undefined -g -O0
-CFLAGS_WARNINGS = -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wmissing-declarations -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual -Wswitch-default -Wswitch-enum -Wunreachable-code -Wundef -Wold-style-definition -pedantic -Wno-switch-enum
+#CFLAGS_DEBUG = -fsanitize=address,leak,undefined -g -O0
+CFLAGS_WARNINGS = -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wmissing-declarations -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wcast-qual -Wswitch-default -Wswitch-enum -Wunreachable-code -Wundef -Wold-style-definition -pedantic -Wno-switch-enum -DDEBUG=$(DEBUG)
CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_WARNINGS) -std=c99 -Ofast -I$(INC)
-ifdef DEBUG # TODO: Somehow clean automagically
+ifeq ($(DEBUG),1) # TODO: Somehow clean automagically
@@ -26,22 +29,22 @@ all: compile
full: all sync
-compile: $(BUILD) $(OBJS) $(BUILD)/blc
+compile: $(BUILD) $(OBJS) $(BUILD)/blc2blc
@rm -rf $(BUILD)/
- @install -m 755 $(BUILD)/blc $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
+ @install -m 755 $(BUILD)/blc2blc $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
sync: # Ugly hack
- @$(MAKE) $(BUILD)/blc --always-make --dry-run | grep -wE 'gcc|g\+\+' | grep -w '\-c' | jq -nR '[inputs|{directory:".", command:., file: match(" [^ ]+$$").string[1:]}]' >compile_commands.json
+ @$(MAKE) $(BUILD)/blc2blc --always-make --dry-run | grep -wE 'gcc|g\+\+' | grep -w '\-c' | jq -nR '[inputs|{directory:".", command:., file: match(" [^ ]+$$").string[1:]}]' >compile_commands.json
@$(TG) -R --exclude=.git --exclude=build .
$(BUILD)/%.o: $(SRC)/%.c
@$(CC) -c -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $<
-$(BUILD)/blc: $(OBJS)
+$(BUILD)/blc2blc: $(OBJS)
@$(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $^
.PHONY: all compile clean sync
diff --git a/notes.txt b/notes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bab649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# normal BLC
+- blc(\M) = 00 blc(M)
+- blc(M N) = 01 blc(M) blc(N)
+- blc(i) = 1^i 0
+- [[0]] = 00 00 10
+- [(0 0)] = 01 00 10 10
+# my BLC
+- blc(\M) = 01 blc(M)
+- blc(M1 .. Mn) = 0^n 1 blc(M1) .. blc(Mn)
+- blc(i) = 1^i 0
+- [[0]] = 01 01 10
+- [(0 0)] = 01 001 10 10
+# my BLC 2
+- blc(\.n.\M) = 0^{n+1} 1 blc(M)
+- blc(M N) = 01 blc(M) blc(N)
+- blc(i) = 1^i 0
+- [[0]] = 0001 10
+- [(0 0)] = 001 01 10 10
+# my BLC 2.5 LEFT
+- blc(\M) = 01 blc(M)
+- blc(M1 .. Mn) = 0^n 1 blc(M1) .. blc(Mn)
+- blc(i) = 1^i 0
+- (M1 M2) = 001 M1 M2
+- (((M1 M2) M3) M4) = 0001 M1 M2 M3 M4
+- (0 0) = 0011010
+# my BLC 2.7 RIGHT
+- blc(\M) = 01 blc(M)
+- blc(M1 (.. Mn)) = 0^n 1 blc(M1) .. blc(Mn)
+- blc(i) = 1^i 0
+- (M1 M2) = 001 M1 M2
+- (M1 (M2 (M3 M4))) = 0001 M1 M2 M3 M4
+- (0 0) = 0011010
+# my BLC 2.9 BOTH?!
+- blc(\M) = 01 blc(M)
+- blc(M1 .. Mn) = 0^n 10 blc(M1) .. blc(Mn)
+- blc(M1 (.. Mn)) = 0^n 11 blc(M1) .. blc(Mn)
+- blc(i) = 1^i 0
+- (M1 M2) = 001 M1 M2
+- (((M1 M2) M3) M4) = 00010 M1 M2 M3 M4
+- (M1 (M2 (M3 M4))) = 00011 M1 M2 M3 M4
+- (0 0) = 0011010
+- blc(\.n.\M) = 0^n 10 blc(M)
+- blc(M1 .. Mn) = 0^{n-1} 11 blc(M1) .. blc(Mn)
+- blc(i) = 1^i 0
+- [[0]] = 0010 10
+- [(0 0)] = 010 011 10 10
+# my BLC 4
+- blc(\.n.\(M1 .. Mm)) = 0^{n+1} 1 0^m 1 blc(M1) .. blc(Mn)
+- blc(i) = 1^i 0
+- [[0]] = 000101 10
+- [(0 0)] = 001001 10 10
+- (0 0) = 011001 10 10
+# my BLC 5
+- blc(\.n.\(M1 .. Mm)) = 0^{n+1} 1^{m+1} 0 blc(M1) .. blc(Mn)
+- blc(i) = 1^i 0
+- [[0]] = 00010 10
+- [(0 0)] = 00110 10 10
+- (0 0) = 001110 10 10
+# Mateusz
+- [0] = 01
+- [[0]] = 00010
+- [[1]] = 00011
+- [[[0]]] = 0000010
+- [[[1]]] = 00000110
+- [[[2]]] = 00000111
+- [(0 0)] = 00111
+- [[(0 1)]] = 000011011
+- [[(1 0)]] = 000011110
+- [[(1 1)]] = 000011111
+- [[[(1 1)]]] = 0000001110110
+- [[[[(1 1)]]]] = 000000001110110
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 6071510..f61a31f 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -1,139 +1,24 @@
-# BLC Experiments
-Small experiment to find the smallest binary encoding of lambda terms. I
-use an empirical approach with the terms located in `samples/`. The
-source also serves as a reference C implementation of BLC encodings.
+Easily convert binary lambda calculus encodings to other binary lambda
+calculus encodings!
-Of course, encodings that allow sharing of duplicate terms (e.g. in a
-binary encoded DAG) can yield even smaller encodings. I’ve done that in
-the [BLoC](https://github.com/marvinborner/BLoC) encoding and I will
-apply the insights from this experiments there as well.
+## Encodings
-## Traditional BLC
+See [`experiments.md`](experiments.md) for detailed explanations and
+some comparisons.
-f(\lambda m) &= 00\ f(M)\\
-f(M N) &= 01\ f(M)\ f(N)\\
-f(i) &= 1^i\ 0
+Please create a PR if you know of other (better?) encodings!
-**Problem**: de Bruijn indices are encoded in *unary* ($O(n)$).
+## Usage
-### Statistics
+``` bash
+$ make install # or make run
+Then use `blc2blc <from> <to>`. For example:
-### Resources:
-- [Binary Lambda
- Calculus](https://tromp.github.io/cl/Binary_lambda_calculus.html)
- (John Tromp)
-## Levenshtein Indices (BLC2)
-f(\lambda M) &= 00\ f(M)\\
-f(M N) &= 01\ f(M)\ f(N)\\
-f(i) &= \mathrm{code}(i)
-### Statistics
-TODO (compare with blc)
-### Resources
-- [Levenshtein Coding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_coding)
- (Wikipedia)
-## Mateusz Naściszewski
-f(t) &= g(0, t)\\
-g(0, i) &= \text{undefined}\\
-g(1, 0) &= 1\\
-g(n, 0) &= 10\\
-g(n, i) &= 1\ g(n-1, i-1)\\
-g(0, \lambda M) &= 0\ g(1, M)\\
-g(n, \lambda M) &= 00\ g(n+1, M)\\
-g(0, M\ N) &= 1\ g(1, M)\\
-g(n, M\ N) &= 01\ g(n, M)\ g(n, N)
-### Statistics
-### Resources
-- [Implementation](https://github.com/tromp/AIT/commit/f8c7d191519bc8df4380d49934f2c9b9bdfeef19)
- (John Tromp)
-## Merged Left-Apps
-Here I “merge” multiple left applications with a single prefix. This
-uses one bit more for binary applications. However, practical lambda
-terms often use many consecutive left applications!
-f(\lambda M) &= 01\ f(M)\\
-f(M_1\dots M_n) &= 0^n\ 1\ f(M_1)\dots f(M_n)\\
-f(i) &= 1^i 0
-### Statistics
-### Resources
-- None?
-## Merged Multi-Abs
-Here I “merge” multiple abstractions with a single prefix.
-f(\lambda_1\dots \lambda_n M) &= 0^{n+1}\ 1\ f(M)\\
-f(M\ N) &= 01\ f(M)\ f(N)\\
-f(i) &= 1^i 0
-Slightly better, I can combine this with the previous technique!
-f(\lambda_1\dots \lambda_n M) &= 0^n\ 11\ f(M)\\
-f(M_1\ M_n) &= 0^n\ 10\ f(M_1)\dots f(M_n)\\
-f(i) &= 1^i 0
-Or, merge it directly! The *trick* is to see applications as zeroth
-abstractions. Any immediate applications inside abstractions are handled
-directly by the abstraction constructor.
-f(\lambda_1\dots \lambda_n (M_1\dots M_m)) &= 0^n\ 1\ 0^m\ 1\ f(M_1)\dots f(M_n)\\
-f(i) &= 1^i 0
-### Statistics
-### Resources
-- None?
+``` bash
+$ echo 001110 | blc2blc blc blc2
diff --git a/src/abs.c b/src/impl/abs.c
index a6aa76d..a6aa76d 100644
--- a/src/abs.c
+++ b/src/impl/abs.c
diff --git a/src/impl/abs_app_right.c b/src/impl/abs_app_right.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a346013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/impl/abs_app_right.c
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2024, Marvin Borner <dev@marvinborner.de>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+#include <log.h>
+#include <impl.h>
+// my blc 3 for now!
+static void encode(Term *term, FILE *fp)
+ switch (term->type) {
+ case ABS:
+ while (1) {
+ fprintf(fp, "0");
+ if (term->u.abs.body->type != ABS)
+ break;
+ term = term->u.abs.body;
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "10");
+ encode(term->u.abs.body, fp);
+ break;
+ case APP:;
+ Term *stack[128] = { 0 }; // TODO: HEAP!
+ int stacked = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ fprintf(fp, "0");
+ stack[stacked++] = term->u.app.rhs;
+ term = term->u.app.lhs;
+ if (term->type != APP)
+ break;
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "11");
+ encode(term, fp);
+ for (int i = stacked - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ encode(stack[i], fp);
+ break;
+ case IDX:
+ for (size_t i = 0; i <= term->u.index; i++)
+ fprintf(fp, "1");
+ fprintf(fp, "0");
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatal("invalid type %d\n", term->type);
+ }
+static Term *decode(FILE *fp)
+ Term *res = 0;
+ char a = getc(fp);
+ if (a == '0') {
+ size_t count = 0;
+ while (getc(fp) == '0')
+ count++;
+ char b = getc(fp);
+ if (b == '0') {
+ Term *head = term_new(ABS);
+ res = head;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ res->u.abs.body = term_new(ABS);
+ res = res->u.abs.body;
+ }
+ res->u.abs.body = decode(fp);
+ res = head;
+ } else if (b == '1') {
+ res = term_new(APP);
+ res->u.app.lhs = decode(fp);
+ res->u.app.rhs = decode(fp);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ Term *prev = res;
+ res = term_new(APP);
+ res->u.app.lhs = prev;
+ res->u.app.rhs = decode(fp);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (a == '1') {
+ res = term_new(IDX);
+ res->u.index = 0;
+ while (getc(fp) == '1')
+ res->u.index++;
+ }
+ if (!res)
+ fatal("invalid parsing state!\n");
+ return res;
+Impl impl_abs_app_left(void)
+ return (Impl){
+ .name = "abs_app_left",
+ .encode = encode,
+ .decode = decode,
+ };
diff --git a/src/impl/app_both.c b/src/impl/app_both.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47f78aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/impl/app_both.c
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2024, Marvin Borner <dev@marvinborner.de>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+#include <log.h>
+#include <impl.h>
+static void encode(Term *term, FILE *fp)
+ switch (term->type) {
+ case ABS:
+ fprintf(fp, "01");
+ encode(term->u.abs.body, fp);
+ break;
+ case APP:
+ fprintf(fp, "0");
+ Term *stack[128] = { 0 }; // TODO: HEAP!
+ int stacked = 0;
+ // TODO: there's probably something here about finding optimal
+ // left/right folds but this is ok for now
+ int fold_right = term->u.app.rhs->type == APP;
+ while (1) {
+ fprintf(fp, "0");
+ stack[stacked++] =
+ fold_right ? term->u.app.lhs : term->u.app.rhs;
+ term = fold_right ? term->u.app.rhs : term->u.app.lhs;
+ if (term->type != APP)
+ break;
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "1%d", fold_right);
+ if (fold_right) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < stacked; i++)
+ encode(stack[i], fp);
+ encode(term, fp);
+ } else {
+ encode(term, fp);
+ for (int i = stacked - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ encode(stack[i], fp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case IDX:
+ for (size_t i = 0; i <= term->u.index; i++)
+ fprintf(fp, "1");
+ fprintf(fp, "0");
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatal("invalid type %d\n", term->type);
+ }
+static Term *decode(FILE *fp)
+ Term *res = 0;
+ char a = getc(fp);
+ if (a == '0') {
+ size_t count = 0;
+ while (getc(fp) == '0')
+ count++;
+ if (count == 0) {
+ res = term_new(ABS);
+ res->u.abs.body = decode(fp);
+ } else if (getc(fp) == '1') { // fold right
+ Term *head = term_new(APP);
+ res = head;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
+ res->u.app.lhs = decode(fp);
+ res->u.app.rhs = term_new(APP);
+ res = res->u.app.rhs;
+ }
+ res->u.app.lhs = decode(fp);
+ res->u.app.rhs = decode(fp);
+ res = head;
+ } else { // fold left
+ res = term_new(APP);
+ res->u.app.lhs = decode(fp);
+ res->u.app.rhs = decode(fp);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
+ Term *prev = res;
+ res = term_new(APP);
+ res->u.app.lhs = prev;
+ res->u.app.rhs = decode(fp);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (a == '1') {
+ res = term_new(IDX);
+ res->u.index = 0;
+ while (getc(fp) == '1')
+ res->u.index++;
+ }
+ if (!res)
+ fatal("invalid parsing state!\n");
+ return res;
+Impl impl_app_both(void)
+ return (Impl){
+ .name = "app_both",
+ .encode = encode,
+ .decode = decode,
+ };
diff --git a/src/app.c b/src/impl/app_left.c
index cc7eda9..dcc62cd 100644
--- a/src/app.c
+++ b/src/impl/app_left.c
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ static Term *decode(FILE *fp)
return res;
-Impl impl_app(void)
+Impl impl_app_left(void)
return (Impl){
- .name = "app",
+ .name = "app_left",
.encode = encode,
.decode = decode,
diff --git a/src/impl/app_right.c b/src/impl/app_right.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2583741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/impl/app_right.c
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2024, Marvin Borner <dev@marvinborner.de>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+#include <log.h>
+#include <impl.h>
+static void encode(Term *term, FILE *fp)
+ switch (term->type) {
+ case ABS:
+ fprintf(fp, "01");
+ encode(term->u.abs.body, fp);
+ break;
+ case APP:
+ fprintf(fp, "0");
+ Term *stack[128] = { 0 }; // TODO: HEAP!
+ int stacked = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ fprintf(fp, "0");
+ stack[stacked++] = term->u.app.lhs;
+ term = term->u.app.rhs;
+ if (term->type != APP)
+ break;
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "1");
+ for (int i = 0; i < stacked; i++)
+ encode(stack[i], fp);
+ encode(term, fp);
+ break;
+ case IDX:
+ for (size_t i = 0; i <= term->u.index; i++)
+ fprintf(fp, "1");
+ fprintf(fp, "0");
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatal("invalid type %d\n", term->type);
+ }
+static Term *decode(FILE *fp)
+ Term *res = 0;
+ char a = getc(fp);
+ if (a == '0') {
+ size_t count = 0;
+ while (getc(fp) == '0')
+ count++;
+ if (count == 0) {
+ res = term_new(ABS);
+ res->u.abs.body = decode(fp);
+ } else {
+ Term *head = term_new(APP);
+ res = head;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
+ res->u.app.lhs = decode(fp);
+ res->u.app.rhs = term_new(APP);
+ res = res->u.app.rhs;
+ }
+ res->u.app.lhs = decode(fp);
+ res->u.app.rhs = decode(fp);
+ res = head;
+ }
+ } else if (a == '1') {
+ res = term_new(IDX);
+ res->u.index = 0;
+ while (getc(fp) == '1')
+ res->u.index++;
+ }
+ if (!res)
+ fatal("invalid parsing state!\n");
+ return res;
+Impl impl_app_right(void)
+ return (Impl){
+ .name = "app_right",
+ .encode = encode,
+ .decode = decode,
+ };
diff --git a/src/impl/merged_abs.c b/src/impl/merged_abs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/impl/merged_abs.c
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/impl/merged_app.c b/src/impl/merged_app.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/impl/merged_app.c
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/impl/merged_both.c b/src/impl/merged_both.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/src/impl/merged_both.c
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c
index 75dbb6a..9609142 100644
--- a/src/main.c
+++ b/src/main.c
@@ -5,13 +5,15 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <string.h>
#include <term.h>
#include <parse.h>
+#include <log.h>
#include <print.h>
#include <impl.h>
-#define N_IMPLS 5
+#define N_IMPLS 8
static size_t file_size(FILE *fp)
@@ -36,6 +38,8 @@ static size_t test_impl(Impl impl, Term *term, FILE *out)
static void test_all(Impl impls[N_IMPLS], const char *dir_path, FILE *out)
+ double results[N_IMPLS] = { 0 };
char path[1024];
struct dirent *dir_entry;
DIR *dir = opendir(dir_path);
@@ -44,7 +48,7 @@ static void test_all(Impl impls[N_IMPLS], const char *dir_path, FILE *out)
sprintf(path, "%s/%s", dir_path, dir_entry->d_name);
- printf("%s\n", path);
+ debug("%s\n", path);
FILE *fp = fopen(path, "rb");
@@ -53,33 +57,71 @@ static void test_all(Impl impls[N_IMPLS], const char *dir_path, FILE *out)
for (Impl *impl = impls; impl != impls + N_IMPLS; impl++) {
size_t prev = file_size(fp);
size_t after = test_impl(*impl, term, out);
- printf("%s: %lu -> %lu (%f%% reduction)\n", impl->name,
- prev, after,
- (double)((long)prev - (long)after) /
- (double)prev * 100);
+ double change = (double)((long)prev - (long)after) /
+ (double)prev * 100;
+ debug("%s: %lu -> %lu (%f%% reduction)\n", impl->name,
+ prev, after, change);
+ results[impl - impls] += change;
+ results[impl - impls] /= 2.0;
- printf("\n");
+ debug("\n");
+ printf("\n--- %s ---\n", dir_path);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N_IMPLS; i++)
+ printf("%s: avg. %f%% reduction\n", impls[i].name, results[i]);
-int main(void)
+static void test(Impl impls[N_IMPLS])
- Impl impls[N_IMPLS] = { impl_blc(), impl_blc2(), impl_closed(),
- impl_abs(), impl_app() };
FILE *out = tmpfile();
const char *dir_path = "test/small";
test_all(impls, dir_path, out);
dir_path = "test/medium";
test_all(impls, dir_path, out);
- /* dir_path = "test/large"; */
- /* test_all(impls, dir_path, out); */
+ dir_path = "test/large";
+ test_all(impls, dir_path, out);
+static Impl find_impl(const char *impl, Impl impls[N_IMPLS])
+ for (int i = 0; i < N_IMPLS; i++) {
+ if (!strcmp(impl, impls[i].name))
+ return impls[i];
+ }
+ fatal("encoding '%s' not found!\n", impl);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ debug_enable(DEBUG);
+ Impl impls[N_IMPLS] = { impl_blc(), impl_blc2(),
+ impl_closed(), impl_abs(),
+ impl_app_left(), impl_app_right(),
+ impl_app_both(), impl_abs_app_left() };
+ if (argc == 1) {
+ test(impls);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (argc != 3) {
+ fatal("invalid arguments, please use `blc2blc <from> <to>`\n");
+ }
+ Impl from = find_impl(argv[1], impls);
+ Impl to = find_impl(argv[2], impls);
+ Term *term = from.decode(stdin);
+ to.encode(term, stdout);
+ return 0;