AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-11-10Fixed heap out of memory errorHEADmasterMarvin Borner
2018-11-10Improved performanceMarvin Borner
2018-11-09Fixed endless database existing checkMarvin Borner
2018-11-08Improved rate limit handling (probably need several proxies)Marvin Borner
2018-11-08Added indexing and improved crawling algorithmMarvin Borner
2018-11-08Improved search algorithmsMarvin Borner
2018-11-07Didn't remove node_modules correctly..Marvin Borner
2018-11-07Removed node_modulesMarvin Borner
2018-11-07Removed static filesMarvin Borner
2018-11-07Implemented web crawlingMarvin Borner
2018-11-07Added elasticsearch based databaseMarvin Borner
2018-11-07Began rewriteMarvin Borner
2018-09-19Fixed instruction :memo: :sparkles:Marvin Borner
2018-09-19Added better requesting of data :zap:Marvin Borner
2018-09-19Abstracted database :wrench: :package:Marvin Borner
2018-09-19Removed finished TODOs :sparkles: :memo:Marvin Borner
2018-09-19Updated instructions :memo: :art:Marvin Borner
2018-09-19Finally fixed almost all bugs :zap: :fire:Marvin Borner
2018-09-18Tried to fix several small things :bug: :construction:Marvin Borner
2018-09-16Code cleanup :zap: :construction:Marvin Borner
2018-09-16Fixed many small issues again (due to late night coding) :sparkles: :zap:Marvin Borner
2018-09-16Fixed integrity constraint violation error :bug: :fire:Marvin Borner
2018-09-16Changed lang length because of some longer languages :pencil2:Marvin Borner
2018-09-16Several small improvements :zap:Marvin Borner
2018-09-16Added todo :memo:Marvin Borner
2018-09-16"Fixed" 429 bug :hankey: :bug:Marvin Borner
2018-09-16Added readme :memo:Marvin Borner
2018-09-16Added fulltext index :zap:Marvin Borner
2018-09-16Fixed encoding issue :sparkles:Marvin Borner
2018-09-15Removed unnecessary index :rocket: :zap:Marvin Borner
2018-09-15Some improvements :zap:Marvin Borner
2018-09-15Applied official guidelines :fire: :zap:Marvin Borner
2018-09-15Improved database :zap:Marvin Borner
2018-09-15Improved information gathering algorithms :zap:Marvin Borner
2018-09-15Some performance improvements :zap:Marvin Borner
2018-09-15Added basic crawling feature :sparkles: :tada:Marvin Borner